As a common practice of the human being,
discrimination have been applied from the lowest to the highest level. It is
not unknown that people tend to categorized other people, denning them from
participate of any social practice or human right, just because of any
prejudice. From age, caste, class, color, disability, genotype, height, hair,
language, looks, mental type, ethnicity, rank, religion, size, species, weight;
to sexuality, race or gender, we can find employed some discrimination. And
this is not a joke or something not to worry about: because as serious as it
is, it could lead even to the death of the victim. Here I focus on two types
of discrimination that really bother me a lot: discrimination because of sexual
orientation; and because of gender. It is not a
surprise to find all spread in our society these two kinds of discrimination:
they are totally alive. But let’s take a brief look on each one of them.
When talking about sexual orientation’s discrimination,
we can say that it is unbearable the receiving of the different comments or
actions coming from those people who think that homosexuality is a wrong
practice. As it is said, maybe homosexuals will go to the hell, once they die. But
actually, religions are not something that I get worried about, regardless of
their strong influence in the society in order to eliminate or segregate those employers
of the conduct. Religious people should expand their minds in order to accept
homosexuality, otherwise they will also be segregated, from the homosexual
side. But religion is not the only element to consider when talking about
sexual orientation’s discrimination; the nationality of the person; the
different health agencies; and in the different educational systems,
discrimination is employed. For example, there are some nations that can’t
accept it as a normal conduct, so they applies punishments to those who
practice it. In Iran, Arabia Saudí, and Yemen in Asia; Mauritania, Sudán, andthe north regions of Nigeria and the south of Somalia in Africa, homosexualpractice is punished with the death penalty. On the other hand,
there are some health agencies that employ discrimination because of the sexual
orientation. For example the American RedCross practice it. I remember when I went to this agency, and
because of my sexual orientation, I couldn’t donate any blood. Just because of
my homosexuality! This was something really embarrassing at the moment, but now
it is a factor that really inspire me to continue fighting, supporting our
rights. But that’s not all, in educational systems, discrimination is also buzzing,
and it is expressed as bulling. From elementary to secondary school, childrenand teenager tend to bully those victim of any “incapacity” as it could be consideredthe sexual orientation. So, overall, here we can see how sexual orientation’s
discrimination cover huge areas of our society, as other kind of
discrimination, as the one that state that black skin people are inferior than
white people.
Woman has also a serious problem. They have been
emarginated and considered inferior than men. Discrimination has taken place in
this ambit, adjudicating some rolls to women and other to men. It is said that
woman do not have the same capacity that men have; that women, because they are
inferior than men, should stay at home, cooking, cleaning the house, managing baby
issues, and washing the men’s clothes. On the other hand, the men are who have
the power; who bring the money to the house; is considered the brain of the
house. In other words, women belong to the private ambit, while men belong to
the public one. This ideology is wrong, and clearly there’s discrimination on
it. Women, because of their constant battle and sacrifice, now have some space
in the society, but margination continue. For example, now we can found womanin politics rolls, when some years ago, they weren’t allowed. So,
woman clearly are gaining their space in the society.
Finally, we can get notice that discrimination takes
place in many different forms. Sometimes I ask myself: Why people continue
practicing this conduct? Why do they feel so comfort employing it? Then the answer
comes alone: it could be because of the ignorance they have about the issue;
they feel as outsider of the field been discriminated, and because of that,
these fields should not exist. Well, I really don’t know, but something what is
really true, is that this could lead to a civil war. These wrong management of
our differences could have fatal consequences. Not only to the victim of
discrimination but also to those who employ it. I have to say that I will not
be quite, meanwhile this practices continue.
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