sábado, 25 de abril de 2015

A Julia de Burgos: exquisite piece of bravery

“You are only the ponderous lady very lady;
not me; I am life, strength, woman.”
-     Julia de Burgos

Returning to Julia de Burgos, I would like to share what I have found: a precious poem made by her. This poem, entitled A Julia de Burgos, is a sophisticated piece of her mind in which she talks, in form of reproach, to herself. Here are two sides: 1. the side Julia shows to the society: a housewife, resigned, submissive and hypocrite; 2. the Julia she actually is, but in her mind: brave, courageous, with a sense of strength, freedom and justice. In this poem Julia seems to have a kind of discussion from that “Julia fighter” (the protagonist) against the “coward Julia” (the antagonist); only that she don’t have the answers from the antagonist. Regardless of the absence of the antagonist’s answer, the mission of the protagonist is to make a call of action; to make her own enter into conscience, and because of that, do a change. So, according to that, we can say that this is an optation.

Julia made a full use of stylistic figures in this poem, such as metaphors (Tú, flor de aristocracia; y yo la flor del pueblo); antithesis (Tú eres sólo la grave señora señorona;  yo no, yo soy la vida, la fuerza, la mujer); anaphors (); reduplication (contra ti, y contra todo lo injusto y lo inhumano); hyperbole (que en todos mis poemas desnudo el corazón); personification (a mí me pinta el sol); simils (Tú eres como tu mundo, egoísta; yo no); and asíndeton (dama casera, resignada, sumisa). Also, this poem counts with a huge amount of images, for example: viril destello. Actually, there are more stylistic figures in the poem, but those are the most common.

On the other hand, we have to keep in mind that Julia wrote that poem in an era, not so different from ours. Male chauvinism; not equal opportunities at jobs, programs, politic area, and other ambits; more strong believing in catholic religion… these are some of the factors that influenced in the writings of Julia, and this poem is not the exception. Because she served as a member of the “Daughters of Freedom”, her believing are manifested in almost every poem she wrote. That was what she actually was: a strong, fighter, brave, advocated woman. And because of that, her spirit lives among all of us, through her literature and work.

Personally I love this poem because it actually represent not only a huge amount of women; but also a huge amount of men. Some women are joined with a man not because she loves him, but because of appearances. The same thing also occurs with men. The appearances have truly power on a lot of us… I include myself. Many of the time we are acting according with what people or society says, but not with what we actually want. We are not being free at all. And to proof if it is true, ask yourself: How many time do you dress as you really want? Are you happy with what you are doing: your job; your role at the family? Are you working according with your interest? Or is it because the society expect them (your interest) from you? What is the society expecting from you? Is that what you want? …This poem is like a revelation from Julia to Julia. We should do the same, and fight according our brave, advocated spirit.

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